The Gap

Get Over It.

The Gap is a 2.5D platformer made in Unreal Engine. The game is based around crossing a single gap multiple times, with every level having a different way of crossing the gap. This includes jumping, gliding, dashing, shooting down platforms and even teleporting. There is then a final level, known as the True Gap, that combines all of the mechanics into a single cohesive level.

The Gap was designed as a kind of tech demo for my Unreal Engine work, focusing on creating as many mechanics as I possibly could and having a single level focusing on them to test and perfect them. This project greately expanded my knowledge of Unreal Engine, teaching me most of the ins and outs of the engine. It was also playtested by multiple members of the class, which let me refine and improve upon the level design, which was often too punishing for the people playing when originally designed.